Sunday, January 31, 2010

Why in the hell am I doing this?

I was asked this question yesterday. My dear friend Robin wanted to know. And I actually paused, having no quick answer for her. I actually had to think about that for a minute. My thought is that one can't possibly have a rational reason for wanting to run 26.2 miles in a marathon. I'm approaching 46 years of age, weigh 40 pounds more than I should, and haven't run more than two miles at one time in over six years.

What's up with that?

Sure, I could have told my friend the typical answer most people say when they decide to run a marathon: I want to prove something to myself; if I can do this I can do anything; etc., etc. My answer is that I just want to. I have for a long time. This time--finally--I have the nerve to do it.

All the tools are in place. I have a coach, the gear, the plan, and now the will. Of course my crazy ass finds it in the middle of winter in the mid-Atlantic. I could still be living in New England, so I'll forgive myself location. However, the moment to be nutty enough to accomplish this goal would have been more than five years ago when I lived in sunny San Diego.

But then I've never done anything the sensible way. Hence my choice of marathons to run: the Marine Corp Marathon on 31 Oct 2010. I enlisted at the age of 17 in October, 1981. Running was a way of life for me back then. I was in shape, proudly wore my uniform, and ran on average 25 miles a week.

Never a marathon. This will be a first.

My coach says that I need to keep a journal. It's important for me to keep track of how I feel and log my progress. This blog will be one of those tools I'll use.

See Mo run.

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