Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Groundhog Day

Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow this morning. Six more weeks of winter.

The office was closed yesterday. Seems VDOT either allocates all of its snow removal funds to the Northern Virginia area, or they just don't plan very well for treatment of icy roads. The sidewalks down here are also a mess.

There is a very nice, walkable route by a lake near my job. It's too icy and slick. I didn't get my walk/run series in today. Bummer. Its raining tonight and temps are to increase to near 35 tonight and be in the 40s again tomorrow. Hopefully the ice won't be an issue tomorrow. I'm bringing my workout gear so I can spend my lunch break outside hitting the pavement. I looked everywhere for my watch with the timer/stop-watch feature. Can't find the damn thing! Shoot. I can get another one in the morning.

So tonight at home I did an hour power yoga workout to combine strength and cardio. Plus the breathing. Your breath is so important. Yoga has taught me how much my body, mind, and breath need to be in harmony.

But that little shit who lives upstairs from me is enough to get my heart rate up and forget to be calm. His constant noise kills any peace I can attain at home. And the racket he makes has cut into my sleep time. I want to go up to his 3rd floor unit and throw his snotty little butt out of the window. I am so over apartment living. And I live in a condo! Built in 1987 with the thinnest, f%*king walls ever made. Argh!

(So where was I... Oh, yes!) My training has begun with lack of adequate sleep, icy pavements, and no stop watch. No excuses anymore.

I'm so sore. But I was a Marine, so no pain, no gain. Ooh-rah!

(F&^% me!)

Right now the show Biggest Loser is on the TV. I love-love-love Jillian Michaels. She's better than a drill instructor. The DIs in boot camp (1981 @ Parris Island) screamed at us to get us to move. Jillian doesn't just scream at you. It's like she reaches inside of your gut and pulls out all the bullshit that has kept you from achieving your personal best. I was once that determined. I had plans. I was hungry for everything life had to offer. And then it got in the way--life that is. Now it's 30 years and 40+ pounds later. I don't have Jillian here to help. I now know I have someone better--me!

Three weeks until my birthday.
Six more weeks of winter.

38-1/2 more weeks until the race.

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